Now that I hope everybody is back to the United States, Once again,I would like to take this opportunity to thank you so very much foryour continued support.
I want to extend my deepest appreciation to everyone for his/her help.
On behalf of 15 patients saved this year and also the ones that havebeen saved during the past 4 years, including myself since you startedyour mission to Rwanda, I wish to say that " Your help is highlyappreciated"
Thanks to Ceeya, Dr.Bolman and David for a wonderful visitation hereat Riviera High School.
David, thanks for visiting my village. My family was so happy to meet you.
Finally, To all Team Heart members whether you were present or not, Iwant to appreciate the party that you have organised for all thepatients. It was so wonderful.
We love you so much,
May the best of your past be the worst of your future.
Youngman from Rwanda,
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