Woo Hoo - finally
The last few days of prep for the ICU as we drop off final suitcases, pack the medications, and get last few refrigerated items prepped to travel. It is always a flurry of activity in the last few weeks but I expect, and pray that all will go well.
Plus a PRIMUS or 2 will help me relax once we arrive and see the supplies - LOL.
I can not wait to see the smiles and share tears and create stories with the 'newbies' as we call our first-timers. And to see the warm familiar faces of our return volunteers and our Rwandese friends. This will be my 6th trip to Rwanda and I feel so lucky to be part of their culture and world.
Let's go make miracles happen together !!! Go Team Heart 2011 !!!
Muraho :)
Leslie 'aka' Sabby
As most of you know, if you trace Team Heart back to one person, one conversation, Miss Gabby Sabby is the one!! Every conversation about about the building of this team had Leslie's thoughtful and insightful input. Many people had input, but few have worked as hard in addition to talking. She "walks the walk". A great ICU nurse--really really great, a good leader, she has selected a phenomenal team of the best ICU nurses. She has traveled to Rwanda every mission but one, and traveled on two of the organizational trips. She raises every dime for her travel and keeps fundraising AND donates vacation time. She makes it more fun for us all, as she recognizes the skills and talents each person brings. Totally free of jealousy from my view...it is not that we could not do it without her--but it would not be nearly as much fun.