Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nightshift in the Stepdown :)

Hello from the first night shift in the stepdown unit! We have 2 patients in the stepdown ward, who are both doing well. They are both 2 days post op from single valve replacement surgery. It is amazing to see the difference in the patient's personalities once they arrive in the stepdown ward. The ward is where they started off preoperatively, so to return here is a huge step in their recovery and it is nice to see them smiling and laughing again (most of the time they are laughing at our poorly pronounced Kinyarwandan!). We are anticipating at least two more patients to be transferred from ICU tomorrow and by the weekend the Stepdown ward will be filling up.

Seen here is a picture of Angela, RN and Regine (taken with permission). Keep following...lots of good pictures of our patients and Team Heart members to come. Thanks for all the continued support.

1 comment:

  1. so happy and proud for my cousin angela ur doing a great always
