Lisa has been a sonographer at Lahey Clinic for two years after a number of management positions in non-medical fields. She loves solving problems systematically, which is why she is a good sonographer. Lisa’s home institution is supportive of global health initiatives and many co-workers appeared interested and followed her participation. Lisa used every opportunity that came up to spread the word of what Team Heart was about and unselfishly conveyed the role of the organization, embracing the very spirit of our organization. Observant, but not judgmental she was a quiet participant in every aspect of the packed week. I have no doubt if we receive any press from this trip, it will be Lisa’s passionate description when she met the reporter in the airport! It was fortunate for a silent child who watched as she scanned that she found a child who could undergo surgical repair in November by a Belgium partner and extend their life. And that is what it is all about!
Fiercely protective of the young girls privacy during scanning, we coined gender sensitive care to a multitude of tactics!! Lisa helped engineer curtains on the windows and took responsibility for seeing they arrived each day in her blue roller bag. Curiosity won out as various children would try to peek. Amid much giggling they would be chased away again and again...Clearly the girls appreciated the curtains, as did all the sonographers as it reduced the glare on screens!!
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