Laurel, from Tufts, is originally from Minnesota. She is a quiet presence ready to do what she can to set up her station and keep running smoothly. Quick to volunteer to work in either the boys room or girls, she does whatever is needed. Calm, she does not appear anxious or concerned about new surroundings or challenges--a trait I recognize in sonographers meant to do this type of challenging fieldwork. She keeps the others company during extra activities, whether a run in the neighborhood, or to explore an offbeat restaurant near by. She shows leadership in set-up, and then looks around for who needs help. Quick to convert her space if needed, she has a sense of peace around her which the children immediately recognize. It was so hard to capture the looks she exchanged with each child--although Josh tried....one that gave each child all they needed to know to feel--as Hey this is Ok...
I asked Laurel what attracted her to our program...."I have never been on a medical mission trip. Chances to volunteer doing ultrasound rarely come along. I know that many Rwandans lack basic health care, and my services could help improve the lives of children. How could I resist really? I also love to travel and experience other cultures."
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