Photographs by Josh Goldberg. 1.With Duke Sonographer David Adams. 2. Puneeta and Emmanuel watching Jen coaxing the perfect image out of her machine.
On Tuesday, September 20, day 7 of screening we are the guest at Cyuga School, in Jali Sector, still in Gasabo District, but also high in the hills. The terrain is different but the road a challenge. We traveled in all wheel drive Jeeps since the road is very narrow, as well as steep. The children were more apprehensive since a busload of pale faces is not the every day routine., but totally cooperative. There were over 320 scans done and we saw a number of serious medical conditions which need follow up—all will be referred through the medical system. It is another great advantage to travel with three Pediatrician Cardiologists, since they are right there to assist when we identify a positive finding or any medical condition. Two of the physicians are from Rwanda, Dr. Emmanuel from CHUK and Dr. Joseph Mucumbitisi from King Faisal and have led this project from the beginning.
The Team Heart Pediatric Cardiologist, Dr. Puneeta Arya is from Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital, and traveled to Rwanda from India during a visit to her home country. Puneeta joined Team Heart recently and we are delighted to have her as part of our Team. Soft spoken and a total team player she worked as a colleague-often the first to grab a bin to unload and right in the midst for set up. She completed her training at Boston Children’s recently and will be soon at MGH working with Dr. Michael Picard and the Pediatric group .
We always asked permission from the children before taking any photographs.
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