Here Jean Paul greets young Ange...one of our favorite teens from near Butare. Ange has a bioprosthetic mitral valve replacement--and a smile to light up the room! Here, she was photographed a year after surgery by Mackenzie Craig.
Each Monday we are anxious to hear something inspirational to help us do a better job from various sources updating over weekend. Today's message on Movie Monday was in that category because it speaks to TeamHeart mission... Helping others to connect to save lives and be generous. If you would like to watch the 3-minute inspiring video, please visit:
This video clip led to
a New Year Resolution list for RHD & Advocacy, which is always topped off by first, a
safe screening and surgical trip, this year scheduled in 2014 in February to March 8. Taking 35
medical volunteers across the ocean and home again safely is a priority. Getting 16
desperately ill individuals in and out of the OR and hospital safely is a priority of equal
Through a generous grant from The Medtronic Foundation, the Bakken Invitation recognizes the volunteerism and advocacy of Jean Paul Iyamuremye. Planning an advocacy resolution list involves Jean Paul and a group of local patients and staff who will develop and priortize to begin to implement in February. Starred items are already in the development or process. The list of participants involves patients as advocates, medical personnel in nursing, medicine, pharmacy and public health from Rwanda and US.
Suggestions have included:
Suggestions have included:
Develop a statement of RHD
advocacy with group consensus
*Promote pre- and post
operative teaching by video, booklet, and individual teaching by patient
support group.
*Care pathways
individualized for patients.
Advocacy for Warfarin
distribution and testing.
*RHD prevention posters for
health centers.
Radio drama for awareness
and prevention.
"Tell the story"
recordings—this might be a nurse, a patient or a business person.
*Collaborating with Rwanda leaders
in nursing education via curriculum development.
Develop a speakers bureau
to include patients, physicians, nurses--prepare and distribute presentations
appropriate for range of audiences.
Develop a Rwanda Patient Care Network resource website…designed and managed in Rwanda in Kinyarwandan/English/French.
Promote social and economic
initiatives to support the return of productivity of those having had cardiac
surgery- collaborate with local development partners
booklet --translated and edited into Kinyarwandan and development of resource list, "what is being done in
Rwanda currently to support RHD".
*OR safety-Implement Cardiac surgery specific checklist.
*Translate Hearts of Courage to Kinyarwandan for local distribution....
*Translate Hearts of Courage to Kinyarwandan for local distribution....
Join us to help change the
life of an individual with rheumatic heart disease from the bedside to economic stability and personal health maintenance--a life long process.