This father's day, show your support of Team Heart by purchasing one of our Fathers Day Tribute Cards. All proceeds will go to improving our post-operative patient care in Rwanda. With the new Rwanda requirement of 10% co-pay for all patients, accessing the health care system is a challenge for some. Many of our patients have been ill for years, on the brink of death, waiting for the chance to have life-saving surgical intervention. Most are young and may never have entered the work force without our help. Though survival rates and post-operative health are improving, our patients still need jobs to pay for medical care. Though Rwanda offers universal coverage, or "mutuelle," the care providers who are knowledgeable about rheumatic heart disease and post-operative care are located in just a few hospitals throughout the country--and because many people do not have access to public transportation, they do not know about the options available to them.
It's hard to believe that $15 tax deductible donation of the $20 sales price could have much of an effect on our patients. But it could save a life.
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