Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow in Boston and

As we balance in our minds the concept of 20 more inches and real temperatures of 15 in the Boston area on the day of departure--while sunny and 83 in Kigali, we cannot stress enough the necessity of being in touch. As flights either take off vs get rebooked we need to make sure that I know if any of you get rescheduled and the route traveling.

We will make our way as we can and reconvene at the Top Tower! Donald, our bio-med has arrived and met Jean Paul. Donald will join Marilyn and Pat for dinner after a long long day of pre-op screening for them. Early night for Donald and tomorrow he will begin.

Egidia, BWH nurse, above called to wish us good luck--mainly on flights getting out of Boston, pictured here with Dorothee and Claudine, year 2. We look forward to seeing both young ladies at some point while we are there!


  1. I will DEFINITELY miss Miss Egidia this year - please jump in my suitcase and come !!!

  2. I agree! And we have plenty extra suitcases, that's for sure!!
